Welcome to Tri City Assembly of God on the Web.  You have come to the right place to discover important information about the church, its' ministries, people and beliefs.  This church serves the people of Metro St. Louis, with our campus located in Granite City, Illinois. 


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This is the site for the Assemblies of God fellowship, located in Springfield, Missouri.


  • Missions, evangelism, and outreach are critical components to the ministry of Tri City Assembly of God.  The Bible instructs the church to "go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching all that Christ has commanded."  The first Sunday of every month is dedicated to promoting the ministry of missions.
  • Tri City Assembly of God is committed to support missionaries and evangelistic ministries around the globe.  Additionally we support numerous missionaries and evangelist that minister in the United States of America.


Missions Links

Tri City Assembly of God supports the following Missions programs of the Assemblies of God